Barracuda Battens

Producer Statement

Producer Statement for Battens

Barracuda’s Steel Ceiling Battens are manufactured from G250 Z275 Galvanised Steel coil with a base metal thickness of 0.55mm.

Barracuda Ceiling Battens have been produced to support Dry Wall Plaster Board and Fibrous Plaster Board onto ceiling joists and truss bottom chords.

Barracuda Ceiling Battens comply with the requirements as laid down by New Zealand Building Code (Approved Documents B1-VM1 Structure and B2 Durability provided they are fitted in accordance with the manufactures recommendations.


All fixing should be in accordance with the corresponding dry wall Installation Recommendations, ie: For example Gib® see their “Gib®Site Guide” for guide lines.

Spans should not exceed 1200mm.
Spacings are no greater than 450mm for 10mm Gib, 600mm for 13mm Gib.
Elephant Board use 600mm, for 10mm, 13mm, 16mm 1 Layer only (450 centres for 2 Layer Elephant Board.)

Battens to be fixed 25x10g or 32x10g self-drilling screws or 50mm flat head nails.
Barracuda Brackets may also be used as opposed to direct fixing to trusses or joists. When fixing plaster board to ceiling battens the following Gypfast needle point screws should to be used.
25x6 Type S screws with 10mm board.
32x6 Type S screws with 13mm board.

Adhesives may also be used as recommended by the lining manufacturer. 

Maximum Total weight of attached fittings is NOT TO EXCEED 10kg’s per 1200mm span. Maximum Total weight not exceeding 18kg’s per 900mm span will be 450 centres, fixed at 32x10g self-drilling screws.


Battens should be stored in a dry flat area free of moisture and dampness, failure to do so could impact the performance of the galvanised coating. Don’t store Barracuda battens in or near corrosive material.

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